The High Value Sales Marathon Path

  • Welcome!

    We are happy to introduce to you the High Values Sales Marathon.
    Sign up and become part of the Premian Community.

    Here you will find determined, thirsty-for-knowlegde, passionate, ambitious and strong people.

    Decided and determined, enroll in the run in which you will develop you aware behavior for sales.
    Loaded with enthusiasm and lots of energy, in 2 days you will accumulate knowledge about:
  • Getting close to the client

    What's the difference between a mediocre salesman and an efficient one? How many questions do we ask during a sales meeting?
    What should we focus on when the client asks questions?
    How long is the sale process?
    How do we sell better?
    What's the process of planning a sale to a client?
  • Establishing the needs

    What's the objective of this step?
    How do give maximum value to our solution for the client?
    What's the difference between dissatisfaction and wish?
    How do we help the client to get from dissatisfaction to wish?
  • Questions about dissatisfaction

    When are they asked?
    When do we ask open-ended questions? What about close-ended ones?
    Why do we ask questions about dissatisfactions?
    What tricks do we use to find out all the dissatisfactions of the client?
    Why do we want to find out the client's dissatisfactions?
  • Making the contract

    Why are there objections?
    When do we present the characteristics, advantages and benefits of the product?
    How do we finalize the sale?

"The road to success is always under construction." Richard Friedman

    Why choosing us?
    1. We measurably increase the professional results.
    2. We create role plays applicable in the activity of your company.
    3. We personalize 100% the training based on your needs and wishes.
    What is it?
    The High Value Sales Marathon is an advanced training through which you improve your selling skills.
    By participating at the advanced sales training you develop a behavior to create personal relationships with the clients.
    You work on your attitude, abilities and negotiation behavior during the buying or selling process.
    You will have better financial results by doing tasks faster due to a smaller number of communication errors.
    You learn to work more efficiently with every client as well as with applicable instruments for any type of client and activity.
    You will work better in teams because of efficient communication and applicable instruments for all types of clients and activities.
    We help you evolve. We simplify work by increasing efficiency and the result is your success.
    Are you wondering what are the best methods to increase sales? How fast do you find solutions to avoid client’s complaints? Do you know what type of approach is more efficient to create a trust based relationship with your client? How many steps of the sales process are you aware of? How many questions should you ask and what are the aspects they should focus on?

Do you want to find out more? You’re still not convinced?

Call us at: 0786040146 or send us an e-mail at: and we will reply in maximum 24 hours.

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Maraton Business

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Maraton Good Business

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(< dacă te înscrii înainte cu 30 de zile)
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Raport evaluare training
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Maraton Awesome Business

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(< dacă te înscrii alături de 4 colegi/prieteni)
Certificat participare training
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Raport evaluare training

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    Locuri: 50

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    High Value Sales Marathon

    Bucharest, Iași
    Locuri: 16

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