The Premian Training Philosophy
From our perspective there are three stages to successfully personalize the training program for you:
Identifying the problems in your team.
Establishing the consequences.
Setting the results that solving the challenges among your team will bring.
One of the aspects that can be improved is the frequent habit of offering a lot of advantages, details and personal opinions when the company wants to make people agree with their ideas and proposals. For most of the times this practice does not bring notable advantages for any of the interlocutors. Our recommendation is to get to know the “climate” of the activity in order to identify the needs in a correct way. They will be the starting point of generating the solutions.
“When you will become an entrepreneur you will need to understand that “the people” are the heart of your success. The most successful entrepreneurs know the art of working and attracting the right people.” – Darem Klum, CEO of CRAM Worldwide.
Why Premian training?
- We increase measurably the professional results of our clients;
- We implement role plays that can be applied to the daily activity of the company;
- We personalize the training 100% for your needs and wishes.
Courses for companies:
”Specialitatea casei” sunt programele avansate de training pe vânzări și leadership pentru companiile care își doresc coechipieri ”high achievers”. Echipele de vânzări, le ajutăm să-şi mărească considerabil performanţa prin training, coaching și consultanță. Echipele de management, le transformăm în echipe de lideri prin training, coaching și un program de consultanță pe leadership care durează între 3 și 12 luni.Sales:
- Customer Care
- High Value Negotiations
- Excellent sales services
- High Added Value Sales
- Coaching for Results
- Effective Communication
- Conducting Efficient Meetings
- Leading the People/Problem Solving Management
- Creativity for Results
- Discussions with the Client
- Leadership for Results
- Conflict and Complaint Management
- Time Management
- Mind Mapping
- Motivating the Team and Building Client Loyalty
- Negotiations for Results
- Public Speaking
- Train The Trainers
The objective of an intermediary training is to improve the abilities of the participants in order to create a better experience for the clients. The following questions will guide you through the analysis of the level of preparation that your team has at the moment:
1. Do all the members of the team know how to offer solutions and products to increase the number of sales/client? How?
2. Do all the members of the team know how to handle the complaints in a professional manner? How?
3. How do the members of the team communicate?
4. How do the members of the team transmit information to clients?
5. What rules do the members of the team use when speaking on the phone with each other or with clients?
The purpose of the negotiation training is to help participants to become aware of and develop their abilities to prepare, plan and handle the negotiation depending on the position, interests and behavior of their partner.
1. How do you prepare and plan a negotiation?
2. Do your salesmen know and use appropriate behaviors to adapt to the client’s expectations?
3. What kind of negotiation strategies does your team use?
4. A partner comes to a negotiation meeting saying that the final price of his product is fixed and not changeable. He does not want to negotiate because he claims that his product is worth that amount and more. What kind of behavior would a member from your team have in this situation in order to convince the partner to change his mind and listen to his proposal?
5. What types of persuasion help a salesman close a business in good terms for both the interlocutor and himself?
The main objective for an instrument for professional development of beginners is improving the skills of the salesmen. Your team has a good basis of sales knowledge but it is important to identify the strengths and what can be improved.
1. Do the members of your team know the needs of your clients? Which are they?
2. How many complementary products or alternatives are sold by the team besides the requested product?
3. What are the 3 most common complaints of the clients and how is your team handling them?
4. What do your team members do to increase the will of the client to buy and to close the deal?
Improving the sales skills through planning the questions regarding the type and the moment to be asked is an objective set for an advanced sales training. If your team has reached this level you can easily identify the strengths and things to be improved by reflecting on the following questions:
1. Is your team able to identify the best methods to increase the sales?
2. A salesman receives a lot of rejections from (possible) clients on a daily basis. Is your team able to find ways to solve this problem?
3. Professional salesmen offer long term trust. What kind of approach does your team have in order to create a trust based relationship with the client?
4. A salesman has more self-confidence when he knows how the sales process goes very well. Is your team aware of the sales process and its stages?
5. How many questions does a salesman ask during a meeting?
6. What does a salesman focus on when the client is asking questions?
7. How does your team make the solution they have for the client to have maximum value for him?
8. What kind of tricks do your employees use for finding out all the matters that do not satisfy of the client?
9. How many characteristics of the product does a salesman present to the client?
One of the definitions of coaching states that maximizing the performance through active listening and using the right questions will lead to capitalizing on a person’s potential. Studies show that a training program is four times more efficient if it’s followed by a coaching one. The goal of a coaching program is to improve the leadership skills of the current leading team and the potential next leaders.
1. How do you get information to achieve performance?
2. What are the analysis criteria of the information?
3. How are the viewpoints regarding somebody else’s performance or ideas expressed?
4. How are the questions addressed to understand the viewpoint of another person?
5. What do you do when you behaved perfectly but didn’t manage to agree with your team member?
6. When do you address speculative questions? What about comparative ones?
How do we communicate in order to make sure the others understand what we are trying to say? Even though the answer seems to be simple, in reality most of the times we deal with confusion and misunderstanding. That can create big errors. We need good communication skills to succeed.
1. What kind of tricks do you use when listening to your client?
2. When do you ask questions?
3. Why is it good to avoid making assumptions?
4. How can you control perceptions?
5. Which are the principles and factors that facilitate the communication process?
6. Which are the communication styles and the behavior models?
7. What rules do you use for phone calls or e-mail and how can you improve them?
8. How do you conclude a conversation about a complaint?
Each of us has the tendency to immediately come up with solutions when a problem occurs. In fact this is the most common mistake when we’re dealing with a problem. The solution should be chosen from the options resulted after going through a process of identifying and analyzing the situation.
1. What is the dominant feeling when you’re dealing with a problem?
2. Do you feel like giving the right answer right when the problem occurred without analyzing it?
3. Do you usually create a plan for solving the problem where all the stages become eventually one?
4. What do you do in order to avoid future possible problems?
5. There are always many solutions for a problem. How do you choose the most efficient one?
The objective of this course is to teach you how to use techniques that will change your way of thinking and viewpoint. Even though it seems easier said than done, everyone can be creative as long as they have the right tools. This way you will find new and undiscovered solutions and opportunities.
1. How do you prepare for creative activities?
2. How do you organize your working space to have a creative activity?
3. How can you optimize your creative potential?
4. How do you listen and talk in order to stimulate the creativity of the interlocutors?
5. How do you prepare a brainstorming?
6. How do you rephrase questions to find more answers?
The objective of this training is to improve the participant’s skills for them to offer a better experience for the clients. The following questions will show you the level of your team:
1. Do all the members of your team know how to deliver information in a pleasant way and according to the client’s expectation? How?
2. Do all your team members deal with complaints in a professional way? How do you check that?
3. How do your team members communicate with each other?
4. How do they transmit information to the client?
5. What rules do they use when they have phone calls with other members or clients?
Leadership for Results is a tool for professional development that can help you identify the corresponding leadership style that will take your team to the expected results. It will also help you understand the delegating process in order to do it effectively and learn about the stages of building an effective team. The following set of questions will show your strengths and the parts that need improvement:
1. Any problem that appears can be considered a good occasion to evaluate, train and increase the self-confidence of your team. How do you increase the performance of your team using the day to day problems?
2. A positive, honest, “transparent” person that recognizes everybody’s contribution will create a healthy working atmosphere. How do you make your coworkers like you and create a trust feeling in the company?
3. How do you make the meeting with the team efficient?
4. Sometimes you’ll take decisions based on intuition, other times it’s healthy to determine your team to act only through efficient questions. How do you manage to still be an example for them? How do you inspire them to take risks and learn?
5. Do your members have a clear role in the team? Are they aware of it?
This training will help you become more efficient and finalize tasks faster with less effort. It happens that at the end of the day you have the feeling that you worked very hard but even so it doesn’t look like you did much and the e-mails are still countless. One way to act upon this would be to learn how to set objectives, prioritize and delegate.
1. What tasks do you delegate and how efficiently?
2. How do you prioritize your daily tasks in order to finish them in due time?
3. How do you set your objectives? Do you create your agenda correctly?
4. How do you manage time during a project?
5. What are the biggest “time robbers”?
The purpose of the mind maps is to improve the organizing skills of a team to increase productivity. You’ll find out how to filter and keep in mind only what’s really important from a message received, how to organize ideas so that you can access them fast, to have an improved perspective over the overall productivity and your competences.
1. Is it important to memorize all the information received?
2. How do you organize your mind’s index to get information fast?
3. How do you create an efficient mind map?
4. How do you create and implement new ideas faster?
5. What are the possible future options that you can reach immediately?
6. How do you create a backwards planning using a mind map?
7. How do you use mind maps to increase productivity in your team?
Being aware of the abilities to prepare, plan and manage negotiations taking into consideration the position, interests and behaviors of your negotiation partner, as well as developing them is what we achieve after this training.
1. How do you plan and prepare a negotiation?
2. Do you team mates know and use the right behaviors in order to adapt to the negotiation partner’s expectations?
3. What kind of negotiation strategies does your team use?
4. A negotiation partner comes to a meeting and says that his terms are final. He does not want to negotiate because he believes his product deserves even more, but not a chance less. What kind of behavior would a member of you team have in order to make the partner change his mind?
5. What styles of persuasion would help you close a deal in such a way that both you and your partner would be satisfied?
There are many things to take into consideration when preparing to go in front of the audience to make sure that the message you want to send is correctly transmitted. The first step would be to ask some essential questions like: “Who am I talking to?”, “What do I want to communicate to the audience?”, “When should I speak and when should I listen?”, “Why would the audience pay attention to me?”.
1. What is your style as a speaker?
2. Do you usually establish the message that you want to transmit and plan accordingly to it?
3. Do you always create a checklist of the things to verify related to the place?
4. How many times do you rehearse your speech?
5. Do you think humor improves your technique?
6. What are the most important points in a presentation?
The main objective of this course is for the participants to learn ways and techniques to teach adults by the end of the training, as well as practicing what they have learned to be able to build and hold such a course for an adult audience.
1. What helps the adults learn faster and in an efficient way?
2. Why and how do you set objectives for your training?
3. How do you prepare your notes before the training?
4. What kind of visual techniques do you use?
5. What is the ideal ambiance to help adults to learn?
6. How do you find out what is the viewpoint of the participants and how do you take it into consideration when preparing your training?
7. How do you handle questions from the audience? What techniques of composing the questions do you use?
8. What are strategies regarding the types of personalities?
Cursuri deschise
What Positions to Adopt During a Negotiation – Negotiation Workshop
Bucharest, Iași
Locuri: 50